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Minutes - August 2002
Meeting minutes from August 27, 2002

Present: T. Bridenbecker, Joe Leogrande (Auburn City Parks Commission), M. Vanek,
T. Hussey, E. McHugh, P. Johnson, J. d
C. Carter
Excused: M. Goodelle, J. McCormick
Absent: W. DeWitt, P. Wisbey, M. Weitekamp, P. Anderegg, D. Lamb, D. Dempsey,
S. Marteney

Joe Leogrande, Auburn City Parks Commission, gave a presentation about their programs for the year. These ideas included making the playgrounds safer with a police night watch, creating a fishing program for Owasco River, skateboard park incentives and contests, new downtown signage, hosting Saturday youth movies, offering free ice skating and swimming, playground treasure hunts, sledding options and adding more holiday decorations to Hoopes Park.

I. Approval of the Minutes
E. McHugh made a motion to accept the July meeting minutes, seconded by S. Craner. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Committee Reports
II. Planning & Development Committee
On D. Lamb
III. Marketing Committee
As for leads from ads, M. Vanek said for the month of August the Tourism Office responded to 60 inquiries from Better Homes & Gardens, 19 inquiries from Historic Traveler and 9 inquiries from Yankee Magazine. The website had 715 hits during the last 30 days, averaging approximately 25 hits a day. At the last Marketing meeting August 13th, the Committee chose Jack Kidd to take the stock photography shots of the sites. He will be contacting the site directors directly to make arrangements.

M. Vanek said Maggie Johengen, an independent graphic designer, would be designing the restaurant tent cards. J. Kline sent the sites a memo requesting two-three events happening during Jan 1
M. Vanek said D. Dempsey had talked to Mike Long of City Planning, and the designs for historic sites
IV. Community Outreach Committee
E. McHugh said the Committee has not met. M. Alberici said Jen Banas had inquired whether the Commission was going to have a booth at TomatoFest. To date, the “trunk” with all of the sites
The group decided to secure a booth for the event, and J. Kline sent around a sign-up sheet to staff the booth. J. Kline said people could drop off materials for the booth at the Tourism Office. They should be there by Noon, Friday, Sept. 6th. J. d
V. Quality Assurance Committee
Committee Chair W. DeWitt was absent, no report.

VI. Prison Committee
Committee Chair P. Wisbey was absent, no report.

VII. Other Business
S. Craner, Chair of the Holiday Enhancement Committee said the Committee members had just met prior to this meeting. Other members include M. Alberici, T. Bridenbecker and J. Kline. S. Craner said their goal is to add a cohesive pull to downtown attractions during the holiday season. Auburn Downtown Partnership does currently coordinate the holiday parade and Santa visits, which could be expanded on. The City is purchasing new holiday decorations for Genesee Street, which will help. ADP may have the opportunity to take over the Festival of Trees since Cayuga County Parks & Trails chose not to do it this year. S. Craner said the trees could be displayed in the storefronts downtown. She thought they would not sell the trees, but would have various organizations and businesses decorate them. S. Craner has put these ideas into a grant proposal for the City
M. Alberici said during the lunch hour at the Chapel on August 19th there was a party for the Summer History Corps participants. This was a hard working group that learned a lot from the program. The participants exchanged positive stories during the party, and one student was going to change her major to art history and museum studies after her experience. Thanks to S. Craner for securing food donations from downtown merchants for the party.

M. Alberici said Collin Sullivan ended up with a lucrative deal with the costume rentals this summer. There was one instance at the Chapel when Collin showed up with the costume hours after the noon concert. M. Alberici was going to talk with P. Wisbey to see how their costume situation worked. She is also going to talk costs with professional costume designer Shirley Marsden and with Auburn Players.
After a general overview of Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce
C. Carter passed a letter to M. Alberici from Ward DeWitt of the Tubman Home stating that neither D. Lamb or E. McHugh had attempted to contact Tubman Home staff in regards to their participation in Common Threads. C. Carter requested the August minutes be amended to reflect Ward
M. Alberici read a letter from Susan Marteney, past owner of Aardvarks & Zippers, detailing the availability of historic Auburn merchandise at wholesale prices. Small quantities can be secured, and the organization can resell the merchandise at their discretion. J. Kline said she would copy this letter and send it on to all the site directors.

With no other business to discuss, S. Craner made a motion to adjourn, seconded by P. Johnson. All were in favor and the motion carried. The Commission adjourned at 5:08PM.

The next Commission meeting is Tuesday, September 24th at 3:30PM,
3rd floor meeting room at City Hall.  

Recorded by Jesse Kline